Big Puddle or Little Pond
It is beginning to feel more like Spring. After 58 days of below freezing temperatures it was 37 degrees this week. We have been wondering what would happen to the huge piles of snow when it starts to melt. I enjoy the weather segment on the news because there is always an interesting take on the weather. They gave a weather-related caution because the snow melt produces big puddles/little ponds with potholes that can swallow your car. They also advise to make sure you have enough washer fluid for when you get splashed. I took a picture from the news because I am not fast enough to catch the large splashes, but some are quite remarkable. I saw a little white car that was splashed on by 2 big trucks. It looked like a chocolate dipped mashmallow. We avoid driving in the far right lane and keep a large distance between cars. You literally get drenched in mud water. The puddles freeze at night so it may take a while to evaporate. It adds some excitement to d...