Big Puddle or Little Pond
It is beginning to feel more like Spring. After 58 days of below freezing temperatures it was 37 degrees this week. We have been wondering what would happen to the huge piles of snow when it starts to melt. I enjoy the weather segment on the news because there is always an interesting take on the weather. They gave a weather-related caution because the snow melt produces big puddles/little ponds with potholes that can swallow your car. They also advise to make sure you have enough washer fluid for when you get splashed. I took a picture from the news because I am not fast enough to catch the large splashes, but some are quite remarkable. I saw a little white car that was splashed on by 2 big trucks. It looked like a chocolate dipped mashmallow. We avoid driving in the far right lane and keep a large distance between cars. You literally get drenched in mud water. The puddles freeze at night so it may take a while to evaporate. It adds some excitement to driving.
Elder Robinson earlier in the week went to visit with Elder Hobbs, a service missionary in Port MacKenzie, across the inlet from Anchorage. Elder and Sister Hobbs were serving a mission in Hawaii when they were sent home last April because of Covid. They are now working as service missionaries here. Elder Hobbs has a bison ranch with 150 head of bison. Elder Robinson rode on the tractor to go out to feed the bison. A very bumpy ride! He also got a picture of moose from about 30 feet away. Too close for me but they were eating twigs so he felt safe (?). In his last picture if you look closely you can see a boat frozen in the ice in Settlers Bay. A taste of rural life.
We are so grateful for Elder and Sister Hobbs. Elder Hobbs does a lot of apartment inspections and checks on the missionaries north of Anchorage. Sister Hobbs knows how to do the finances for the mission and will help while Elder Tracy gets shoulder surgery. Elder Tracy slipped on the ice 4 months ago and now needs to get shoulder replacement surgery since it has not healed. They will stay in an apartment during the week here in Anchorage and go back home on weekends. It may be a few months that Elder Tracy will need help. We look forward to getting to know them better. This is their 3rd mission.
I found it interesting that one of the youth in the ward commented in a post on Facebook that Elder means "Missionary". Particularly in Alaska, Elder is a term of respect for the wise, older natives. It is difficult for many Alaskans to call the young missionaries Elder. I have known the word Elder as a priesthood office but never thought about what the word means. So I looked it up and in a religious sense Elder is the term for a pastor, minister or teacher. So Elder can also mean missionary. Elder Robinson is "Missionary Robinson". That is something new I learned this week.
With spring coming everyone is getting ready for outdoor activities and hiking. I wasn't quite ready to buy bear spray at Costco, but it's available (in a double pack). For those of you coming for a visit let me know how you vote on bear spray. In the rural areas the missionaries carry it in their cars. I guess it is better to be prepared. I don't plan on being really remote but you never know.
This past week was mostly focused on Covid vaccines for missionaries. Missionaries have been encouraged to get the Covid vaccine but several parents have been very upset about it. I sent an email letting missionaries know how and where to get the vaccine and let them know that it is listed with Tdap, MMR and Hepatitis vaccines on the missionary immunization site as part of the vaccine requirements. Families were calling the Missionary Department to complain and Pres. King got a lot of phone calls too. It stirred up a hornet's nest of complaints. I included the First Presidency's letter about getting the vaccine and allowing for personal responsibility to make the choice but many people wanted to express their opinion. Also about half of the missionaries getting the vaccine have had a sick day following the vaccine. I had a lot of phone calls this week! I'm tired of Covid. We have 3 more missionaries leaving to their original assignments in Brazil, Chile and England and 2 being reassigned to Alaska from Germany and South Africa because of Covid restrictions there. It is like a merry-go-round. I feel like the miracle this week is that missionary work still moves forward with great missionaries and wonderful people to talk to, to serve and to teach.
So what was good this week was a beautiful sunset; a gourmet burger and loaded tots (I really like tots now) that I got with my birthday money (thanks Collynn!); Elder Robinson got halibut and fries at the White Spot Cafe (thanks for the tip Larry); and we got a wonderful card from little Spencer who told us he loves us "infinity". I know I have said this before but with everything we get to see and do the best part is sharing it first with each other and then with you. We love you infinity too!
For a spiritual thought I want you to know how much I have enjoyed the Come Follow Me Podcasts. I listen to 4 different podcasts and am amazed at how each one can focus on a different aspect. I especially liked Talking Scripture and Teaching with Power on D&C section 29. I liked the idea that the last days show the Lord will prevail and the idea of the gathering to Christ for comfort and protection in cataclysmic times. Thank you Jane for cluing me in to those.
This week I found several birthday wishes on my timeline. I have always just looked at the newsfeed. It was fun to find friends and family that wrote Happy Birthday wishes. Like a second round of birthday! I'm learning more about Facebook through missionary postings and interactions. Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks! I hope to go from liking and sharing to actually posting this week.
We are so glad to be able to serve a mission here. As I was reading through the Missionary Health requirements this week I was reminded that serving a mission is a privilege and not everyone gets that opportunity for various reasons. This is a unique time to experience a mission with all of the challenges and rewards. But I will always remember it as a privilege.
We love you!
Elder and Sister Robinson
A picture of Kate and Jed’s Alaska rental. The snow and mud puddles should be gone by May.
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