Father's Day and Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice was on Father's Day this year. It was a cold, cloudy rainy day here. The opposite of the expected long summer day. I knew we wouldn't get sunrise and sunset pictures on Sunday so I took pictures the day before of sunrise at 4:20 a.m. and sunset at 11:40. It was really pretty, as most sunrises and sunsets are. For Father's Day the ward gave the dads an M&M bowtie. I thought it was funny that was what Spencer's ward did too. The magic of Pinterest. I picked LeAnn up from the airport on Friday at noon. She is here to babysit for Kate for a week while Kate and Jed go fishing with some friends from Oregon. I enjoyed waiting in the cell phone lot and watching the float planes land. They fly in about every 1-2 minutes. Kate had a bear adventure on a hike this week. She was hiking by Palmer with a group of friends and their children. Kate and another mother were at the tail end with the slower, younger kids when they saw a black bear about ...